CvZ is a mobile tower defense game developed in UDK by Chico State Game Studios. Initially it had been more of a real-time strategy minion/puzzle game, but it pivoted genres late in development after pressure from time constraints came down on the project. I worked as co-lead of the programming team, managing roughly 6 other programmers working across all the other departments in this 60+ person project. At the final release party I was also awarded the Max P. Giganti award for cross-discipline collaboration. (The first non-Max to receive the award). The final product was not as successful as we would have liked, and is difficult to find traces of now that CSGS has shut down the page for it, but it will always be a special project for me.
Communists vs. Zombies
Released: Dec 23 2011
Platform: Windows
Developed with: Unreal Development Kit
Developed by Chico State Game Studios